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Travel with Confidence

When you’re ready to travel again, we’re here to support you. Your safety, as well as the safety of our employees and partners, has always been our top priority, which is why we’ve put additional health and safety measures in place on all of our trips. Our Travel with Confidence policy features added health and safety procedures from the moment you arrive to the moment you leave, without taking away from you having the time of your life. The policy will evolve as time goes on and as we continue to monitor local public health recommendations, but what won’t change is our commitment to keeping you safe as you explore our big, beautiful world.

Safety first, second, third, fourth...

Smaller is better

Our groups have always been small to encourage connections, access places overlooked by larger groups, and to give you plenty of personal space. We will continue to foster connections alongside measures designed to keep you safe, as well as everyone else you meet.

Our CEOs

Our CEOs (Chief Experience Officers) are responsible for you having the time of your life, which includes keeping you safe and happy, and ensuring local protocols are being followed. With their local knowledge, 24/7 support from our field staff around the globe, and health and safety training, they will continue to do everything they can to ensure you enjoy your adventure in whatever way makes you most comfortable. While we know our travelers are joining us from many countries with differing guidelines on COVID-19 protocols, while travelling with us we ask that you adhere to our protocols, as well as those set by the local government. Your CEO will ensure you follow these guidelines at all times in order to help keep you, and those around you, as safe as possible.

Getting around

Whether on the road or the high seas, our private vehicles and boats feature assigned seating and undergo daily deep cleaning of all surfaces.

Sleep soundly

We have always selected our accommodation partners carefully and we have been working with them to create additional procedures to further protect your health and safety. 




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